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Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: March 18th

Podcast Updates

This past week we had two shows highlighting creators who excel at building worlds and creating heroes. 

This past Tuesday, We had the internationally renowned & highly talented Toy Designer, World Builder, and Comic Creator Chance Priest!

We had a great time discussing the importance of world-building and how comic books and toys blend together. If you are a toy designer, make a comic book; if you are a comic creator, create a toy of your characters.

Then on Thursday, we had the internationally acclaimed and award-winning Epic High fantasy author Todd Fahnestock!

We had a great time discussing Joseph Campbell, Save the Cat and the benefits of being a Pantser when writing engaging and cinematic stories.

Project Updates

I am excited to see momentum on my Scrappy draft and to work with Jesse Durona on an updated edition of my Lion and Dove comic.  The third consecutive project is also getting my second dad joke book in draft form.

What I’m reading

I was very excited to read issue 4 of Warriors of the Universe by Chance Priest with art by the talented Geff Bartrand.  This is a great team-up of a world builder and an illustrator.  Chance is prolific in creating a giant world with countless characters, and Geff can match complex stories with intricately detailed illustrations for the comic book series. 

Each page is a work of outside art and would make a great piece of art.

Personal Updates

This week was a whole week on the personal side.  After almost eight years, I moved on from my role at my day job.  I am incredibly excited to see what new opportunities will open for me. 

I also bought a new (to me) car, and more progress has been made in the downstairs renovation project.  This is also week 3 of owning prescription glasses.  I am still not used to wearing them and treating them like regular dollar store readers.  I am getting better; though, I am at least remembering where I put them now.

obligatory car purchase picture

basement progress

Daddy Daughters time at the model train show!