Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: August 13th

Podcast Updates

The month of August is booked out for shows featuring creators from ASAP Imagination.  On Tuesday we kicked it off with the series with the founder of ASAP Imagination, Paul ‘Haydes’ Hayden. I had a great time chatting with him and learning the history of how he formed the company and how it grew into providing a platform for other comic creators to showcase their products.   Haydes also chatted about his children’s book line as well.

On Thursday, Malcolm Wong came on to discuss his 6 issues comic series, Dog Eaters.  It is a well-written and illustrated story that carries some heavy social commentary on the direction 

Project Updates

This week I worked more on my ‘Appliance’ game.  I am now at 72 pages so far on this draft and am hoping to get a few more pages done next week.

What I’m reading

I had some fun reading Laurie Calcaterra’s debut comic, ‘Path of the Pale Rider’.  Laurie came on the show earlier this year to talk about the story of this post-apocalyptic western comic book and I was immediately excited to read the story. 

Although this is the first issue of what I hope to be a long series, Laurie does a great job in getting the reader invested in the main character while she sets up an interesting introduction to a world that makes me eager to learn more.

Personal Updates

The Missus spent the first part of the week at her Mary Kay Conference and it was the first time post-pandemic that someone from the house went on a plane.  She had such a great time and it was a bit hectic while she was gone from the parenting perspective.  Despite the Mother-in-Law doing the lion’s share of the care with the almost 2-year-old, it was still a pretty exhaustive 5 days.
Late this week we began a bit of a warm spell so I caved in and bought a portable air conditioning unit the help cut down on the heat. 


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: August 20th


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: August 6th