Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: June 11th

Podcast Updates

This past week I had 3 interviews.  On Sunday I sat down again with the acclaimed and talented comic creator, Jay Mooers.

He talked about his latest Kickstarter: Fae. The tabletop RPG where YOU are the monster. You are what goes bump in the night.  As a fan of the urban fantasy genre, I was very excited to talk to him about his project and all the hard work it took to make a game based on the world he created through his comics.

On Tuesday, Phillip Maira came to the show. He is the highly successful creator of the ‘Crackle’ anthology series.  We talked about his latest Kickstarter: Purple Eyes Vol. 1

What would you do with only 73 min left to live? 33 creators invite you to a world where 73 min before you die, your eyes turn purple.

On Thursday, it was so fun to welcome back to the show, the acclaimed and talented creative team of Bound, Matt, and Therese.  It has been over two years since we chatted with them, and we had a lot of catching up to do.

Project Updates

This past week I got some renewed inspiration and started back into working on my ‘Appliance’ roleplaying game.  I am sticking to the Fate Core system as the foundation of the game.  I read some of the setting narratives at my weekly online Vermont Comic Creators meet-up and had some good responses to them so far. 

I have also been doing more research on the Fate Core system to continue to understand it more.  I have also been listening to other podcasts that specifically talk about the Fate Core system.

What I’m reading

Over the vacation a couple of weeks ago, I read volume two of ‘The Graveyard Book’ which was the graphic novel adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s book of the same name.  it was a very good second act to the story.  The protagonist, Nobody is a little older than he was in volume 1 and has a much stronger curiosity about what lies outside the graveyard.  His mentors and protectors are dealing with that reality while coming to the inevitable conclusion that a living boy (now a teenager) cannot live the rest of his life in the graveyard. 

I mentioned when I talked about volume 1, that it hints heavily at “The Jungle Book’ in theme but not set and the observation still holds true after reading the entire story.

Personal Updates

I am trying to figure out if I like shoveling the driveway in the winter or mowing the lawn in the summer.  Both are good from an exercise perspective, as it makes me get out and walk; but they are still chores.

This past week was uneventful during the week.  On the weekend my oldest nephew graduated from high school.  We had a little party afterward.  I am not going to lie, there was a bit of anxiety involved as it was the first real in-person event both Edith and I attended together, but logically speaking from a COVID perspective, we were safe. 

I have also returned to organizing my Legos to search for sets to put together for selling on eBay again.  This is mostly because I cannot justify to myself to buy more Legos at yard sales until I trim down my present supply that I have purchased for the intention of reselling them.


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: June 18th


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: June 4th