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Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: August 28th


Podcast Updates

Since I was on vacation this past week, I had scheduled the release of the interview I recorded last week with Banana, Austin, and Amanda for Tuesday. 

Then I scheduled the release of the interview I did with Carye and Jason Bye.  They were basically the ambassadors to the Barney Smith Toilet Seat Art Museum.  It was the perfect way to celebrate 100 episodes. Honoring the way more famous Barney Smith.

Project Updates

While we were on vacation at Lake Placid, I started drawing some backgrounds for my upcoming Dad Joke book.  I am having them be stereotypical and non-stereotypical Dad-related settings, like lawn mowing and dish washing.

What I’m reading

I read Bix by Scott Chantler this week and it was an amazing piece of art. 250 pages of visual storytelling inspired by the life of jazz artist, Leon Bix Beiderbecke. 

Chantler is a perfect example of how comics can be one of the best ways to tell a heartfelt and moving story in over 200 pages while only having less than a page of dialogue.

His use of expressions and pace-setting is genius and is a must-read for anyone who is a fan of the 20s, Jazz, or loves graphic novels.

I am so happy I picked this book up.

Personal Updates

The family went to Lake Placid this past week.  It was fun and we have been planning this trip since last April when we started getting our vaccinations.  We made the most of our trip by relaxing and doing some family activities. 

Even for a family that is not too into sports, there was still a great many things to do.