Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: September 4th


Podcast Updates

This past Tuesday, I was excited to interview the team of ‘Bigfoot Knows Karate’, Dan Price and Casey Allen!  It was a fun hour chatting with them about how to work as a team and the benefits of utilizing each other’s creative strengths.

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Project Updates

I have now around 13 background images created for my Dad Joke book that I will hopefully get published before the end of the year. I’m planning on putting in 525 jokes at 3 jokes per page will give me 175 pages of jokes.  If I have 25 background images that could be a good number of images to repeat.

I will be sharing finished images with my patreon backers once they are finished.


What I’m reading

This past week I rediscovered one of my all-time favorite childhood books, Gnomes by Wil Huygen.  I can not help but make comparisons to ‘The Troll Book’ that I reread a few months ago. 


Huygen created an academic guidebook for the reader which is imaginative and engaging.  Rien Poortvliet’s detailed illustrations also give the reader the hope and expectation that anyone could run into gnomes while enjoying the wilderness and it would be completely normal.

Anyone interested in doing world-building on their own will need to use this book as a reference since it goes into specific details on the daily activities and culture of gnomes.

Personal Updates

This past week the family went to Woodstock Vermont for a couple of days for a final little vacation before school starts.  We were supposed to enjoy a whole day at the Billings Farm and Museum, but the 90 degrees plus weather and humidity cut the outside adventure short.

We also ended up accidentally renting out an entire inn that we stayed at.  It was a bit too much house for us, obviously, but it was fun too.

In other news, I’m hovering around 215 on my weight loss journey.  That’s 8 pounds down since I started!


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: September 11th


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: August 28th