Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: February 20th

Always posted a Week earlier on Patreon

Podcast Updates

This was another full podcast week. 

Last Saturday we recorded episode 3 of Nerd Stock Talk where we talked about how to read charts.  It was fun and we also glossed over some updates on our stock picks.

On Tuesday, I interviewed the highly acclaimed and celebrated comic creator of Magic & Muses Vol 3: Malice - A Magical Girl Comic Trilogy, Kristen Kiomall - Evans which is live on Kickstarter now!

On Thursday was another fun episode. I interviewed Australia’s newest Children’s book author, Elizabeth Hart!

She’s here to talk about her newest book, Before the Fairy Ball, a beautiful story for young readers; which is live on Kickstarter now.

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Project Updates

I did a bit more transposing of the proverb book.  it was also a slow week for projects.  I do have some ideas for upcoming Nerd Stock Talk themes, and another idea to revisit my Sidekicks book.  I know, I know, too many WIPs…

What I’m reading

It was a slow week with reading.  I did however put together a new lego set!  So technically I read the instruction book for the lego set.


Personal Updates


This week was week 3 of daily trips to the doctor’s office for a loved one. 

Also, these last few days have been super cold and have negatively impacted my outside roaming and exercise; but I did get to shovel the driveway a few times!

Also:  1:33 extra minutes of daylight!


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: February 27th


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: February 13th