Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: December 3rd

Podcast Updates

I was very excited to have on the show this past Tuesday,  the highly talented and internationally acclaimed author and designer, Shar Simpson! They came on the show to discuss their latest Choose Your Own Adventure book, Brooklyn Mermaid!

I had such a fun time chatting with them about branching novels, and interactive media, and they had some amazing tips and stories to share.

Project Updates

I worked more on ‘Appliance’ and hit the 120-page mark for the first draft.

As I was driving and listening to the latest episode of ‘Lore’, it was talking about lucky charms.  That made me think about lucky objects and how I could incorporate them into the game.

Here is a brief write-up I put together for them:


Small things that possess immense emotional or superstitious value are some of the rarest and most powerful of sentients.

Also known as knick-knacks, talismans, or tokens; these items have immense emotional connections to their partners and because of this, display an almost eerie and more powerful level of sentience not found in other objects.  Charms are able to affect the fortune of others just by being nearby.  Charms that have a shared partnership with another sentient object can have a powerful influence on the object.  Despite their tiny size, other objects tend to give charms a wide berth and tend to give them a detached level of reverence.

As Allies

If an object is fortunate enough to gain the favor and friendship of a charm, by proxy, the object is held in high regard among their friends and treated with a bit more deference to their enemies.

A Charm’s friend seems to have more luck surrounding them, even when the charm is not nearby.

As Antagonists

If an object has the great misfortune of receiving the ire of a charm, the object’s friends are more cautious around them and even the object’s enemies also have a cautious level of pity towards them.  A Charm’s enemy seems destined to be a magnet of tragedy.

What I’m reading

I read ‘Sort of Super’ this past week by Eric Gapstur.  It is a fun middle-grade graphic novel that follows a brother and sister team that is investigating the disappearance of animals in the area. 

I really enjoyed the build-up of mysteries and the reveal of backstories while the reader learns more about Wyatt and Adeline. 

The book has a pretty good pace and fits well within the teen superhero genre.  It has heart and Eric did a great job showing the reader what a supportive and competitive sibling relationship looks like. 

I am looking forward to the sequel!

Personal Updates

We had a short week at work since it was Thanksgiving week. 

It was very fun to be able to go to my parents’ house for thanksgiving with the rest of the extended family this year.  We have not been able to do that since 2019.  COVID kept us away and I am so happy that it is basically in the rear-view mirror for us.

Spending time with my brothers and nieces and nephews and my parents gives me so much to be grateful for.  I am also hugely grateful to the friends I’ve met over this past year with my podcasting.  I am in awe of all the talent and kindness in the world.

Smith Grandsons (Thanksgiving 2022)


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: December 10th


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: November 26th