Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: July 31st
Podcast Updates
This past week I was excited to have with us the acclaimed and celebrated Comic book writer and artist, Dave Baker! We chatted about his latest project, “Everyone is Tulip”
It was such a fun talk!
See all of Dave’s work at:
You can also see more about Everyone Is Tulip at:
Project Updates
Very productive week for the Sheena project. I wrote the script and started putting in the word bubbles.
I also utilized a photoshop action that can turn an illustration into looking like a classic comic book.
I should be able to get this all done by next week. I am incredibly happy that this has taught me how to use procreate too.
Then it is time for the next project!
Before turning it into a 1940’s era comic
1940’s era style
What I’m reading
This past week I read the graphic novel, “Everyone is Tulip” by Dave Baker and Nicole Groux. It was a great story that is reminiscent of David Lynch without the supernatural elements. It is published by Darkhorse comics and can be found at your friendly neighborhood bookstore.
The book raises many questions to the reader regarding our connection to social media and how we create personas about ourselves to the public. I appreciate how Baker’s story allows the reader to come up with their own judgments and just let the story focus on the characters and not necessarily the setting.
From a design and layout perspective, the book is gorgeous too.
It is great for a PG 13 audience.
Personal Updates
This was my first full week of doing Noom and so far, I have lost roughly 2 pounds. I am hopeful. More hopeful about my weight loss in a long time. I am now at 220.
I also have passively been cleaning up my basement office and slowly adding more things to my eBay store. I am remembering a quote about having a clean space is good for the mind… or something like that.