Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: September 12th


Podcast Updates

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This past week we interviewed Beserat Debebe from Etan Comics.  I had a great time talking with him about his new Kickstarter project, Hawi (Issue 2).

I also attempted to interview the famed Scott Serkland of Serkworks Lab, but my internet was acting funky so I postponed the interview for later in the weekend.  That just means, I’m going to have 3 podcasts to record in the upcoming week!

Project Updates

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Regarding Sidekicks, I have finished a first draft of the Toilet Paper Head character book and am now digging into the Alien Bob character book first draft now.

Also, a few years ago, I took part in the Shiptember challenge where I drew a picture everyday relating to relationships.  I am taking a part of it this year as well.  I normally us it as a point of inspiration for my Lion and Dove scripts.

What I’m reading


I started collecting comics in the early 90’s and I could only read two titles (because, well… I was poor).  These 2 titles were Guardians of the Galaxy and New Warriors.  Now that I’m an adult, I’ve been revisiting these titles through the magic of back issues; And with Midtown Comics extensive back issue sales library.

I recently finished reading all 12 issues of New Warriors Volume 5 which was the last New Warriors series back in 2014.  There have been some plans of having a new series come out this year, but I think it died on the vine.

This Volume 5 run was okay.  If you are not a New Warriors fan, I wouldn’t worry about picking it up.

Personal Updates

This past week at work has been extremely productive (side note:  I learned in one of my MBA classes to never say you are ‘busy’. Use the word ‘productive’ instead.  It means more and insinuates accomplishment.

At my day job we are not almost a month before our Virtual Cerebral Palsy Conference kicks off so things are ramping up for that.  We also had an outside company come and do an audit of our services, so that took up some time.  It paid off because we received a glowing report!


September 20 (Storycomic Weekly News)


Storycomic Updates (September 5th)