Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: December 26th

Podcast Updates

This past week we recorded episode 50 of our podcast. We interviewed Chantal Noordeloos, the award-winning science fiction and horror author, who is best known for her Coyote series, her Lucifer Falls series, and her Even Hell has Standards series.

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Project Updates

I’ve been learning about storytelling from studying an online Pixar class.  My job is to really nail down the first few pages of each book to get the audience to be connected to the main characters in ‘2 Years’ and ‘Lion and Dove’ from the start.  Once I get the worksheet down, I’ll be happy to share.

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What I’m reading


This past week I read the trade paperback of the Marvel Comics event from 2006 and 2007.  Even over 10 years later, the storyline is still relevant; where we can see that conflict does not need to be good versus evil, wrong versus right, but competing ideologies.  Now that I’ve read this again after I’ve watched the MCU version of this storyline via ‘Captain America 3’; I know kind of wish they put off doing this story in the MCU.  The characters they have now got back from Fox Studios  (i.e. Fantastic Four) were so important in the comic book version of the story, this would have been a much grander overarching epic that could span multiple movies.

Personal Updates


This past week I’ve been going through my grandmother’s collection of old recipes and have an idea of doing some youtube cooking videos with the wife; where we pick out some recipes to try to cook.  These are really old and dated desserts and dishes from the 60’s and 70’s


Storycomic Presents (2020 Podcast in Review)


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: December 19th