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Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: October 24.

Podcast Updates

This week I spent trying to rerecord the questions I asked Premee.  As I mentioned last week, I accidentally used my webcam mic during our recording which made me sound horrible. 

I struggled to rerecord my questions, but it didn't match up well and also lost some of the rhythms of the interview; so I did lots of research and found a way to re-edit the sound through a separate sound editor.

needless to say, I didn't need to add anything additional to the interview, and my mic sounds a little better.  not the best, but a heck of a lot better.

Project Updates

This was my first week of paternity leave.  I spent a large chunk of my time working with the 6 year old on her school work.  I sat next to her and worked on my sketchbook; designing characters for the board game the two of us created almost 3 years ago. 

We are still hashing out the details, but it’s about princesses teaming up to save the queen.

The Board Game

What I’m reading

I just finished reading the 5 issue Marvel Comics miniseries “Star” which follows Ripley Ryan who is kind of the enemy of Captain Marvel. 

The story felt rushed and honestly didn’t do much for me.  Instead of concentrating on character development, it seemed like the writer, Kelly Thompson was shoehorned to start some meta plot story seeds for the larger Marvel Comics universe.

The series was always planned to be a 5 issue series, and Kelly has done well in writing for Captain Marvel, and my guess she wanted to do a bit more with Star, but it still kind of fell flat.

It wasn’t a full story, more of an introduction in the hopes that Star will be a larger part of the Marvel Universe.

Personal Updates

I’m looking at the front end of a three-week vacation.  I guess I shouldn’t call it a vacation really.  It’s Paternity Leave.  I spent most of the week, starting  to get into the rhythm of helping out around the house with school work and also hoping to revive some creative projects that have been sitting on the proverbial shelf for a while.