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Mastering the Stock Market Like a Devastation Evoker

The stock market is a complex ecosystem, with investors and traders constantly making and losing money., we'll go over the basics of how the market works so that you can get started investing in it confidently.

Nerd Stock Talk is delighted to present to you this fun and informative series entitled, From Azeroth to Wall Street: Mastering the Stock Market Like the Class of Your Choice.

We will compare how well a class performs in DPS and parallel it to how strong a portfolio is and its investment risk.  Low risk, low DPS.  High Risk, High DPS.  High DPS without mitigation and utility can also get you killed.  All high-risk investments without education and balancing can get you broke.

Devastation is the newest ranged DPS specialization for the Evoker class that focused on using attack spells of both the Red and Blue Dragonflights to harm foes from a distance. Devastation Evokers will use many different spells, including classic dragon breaths that are unleashed from mid-range. The color of their effects can categorize these spells. (Ranged: Financial Advisor) (Strong AoE) (Mobility)

How can you invest like a Devastation Evoker?

The strengths of Devastation Evoker include:

  • Strong Utility

  • Great AOE

  • Ranged DPS

Strong Utility

Devastation Evokers have a lot of utility to bring to the table, helping out with assisting teammates and their movements and survivability with Rescue, Time Spiral, Unravel, and Zephyr

The investment equivalent of playing Devastation Evoker with good skills to share in utility spells would be actively managing a portfolio instead of passively managing portfolio.

When you invest in the stock market, you aim to buy low and sell high. In other words, you want to buy undervalued stocks and sell them when they are no longer undervalued.

As an active investor, you need to constantly monitor the market for changes in value and actively try to purchase those companies that have experienced a drop in price or change in valuation relative to their peers. This requires research into company fundamentals such as revenue growth rates, earnings per share (EPS) growth rates, debt-to-equity ratios, and return on equity (ROE)

Great AoE

In World of Warcraft, AoE can describe the area of effect abilities. Area of effect is a term used in video games to describe attacks or abilities that affect a large area. The number of targets an ability can affect is called its radius, and the distance between each target and the point where they are all affected is called spread. You can also see some spells have their unique way of affecting mobs.

Devastation Evokers are excellent at dealing AoE damage. Spells like Deep Breath, Fire Breath, and Eternity Surge allow this spec to be one of the most powerful AoE specs in the game.

With AoE you can spread out your damage, mitigating any risk of pulling threat from the enemy in a raid or dungeon.  The DoTs are also helpful in this sense as well.

This is the investment equivalent of putting money in balanced Mutual funds.

Diversification is another excellent benefit of mutual funds. When you invest in a single stock, you're taking on all the risk associated with that company. If something happens to the company—a scandal, market shifts or competition from new technology—it could negatively impact your investment and leave you out of luck.

But when you diversify your portfolio by investing in various assets and sectors, this risk is greatly reduced.

Mutual funds are composed of different types of securities (stocks, bonds, and cash) that can be broadly classified into three categories:

  • Equity Funds (stocks): These seek capital appreciation through investments in stocks listed on major exchanges such as NYSE or NASDAQ;

  • Debt Funds (bonds): These aim at providing periodic returns over specified periods through investments in debt instruments issued by corporations and governments;

  • Money Market Funds: These provide income through short-term investments in high quality debt and money market securities like treasury bills while maintaining liquidity

These are not overly aggressive and safe in the long run, much like the survivability of a Devastation Evoker.

Ranged DPS

Also, as a Devastation Evoker, You are a ranged DPS. The benefit of being a ranged DPS is that it immediately takes you out of the melee range of enemies and gives you that distance to protect you from direct danger.

Being ranged is very much like having a financial advisor. 

They can view your finances objectively.

A financial advisor can help you see your finances in a new light. When you're the one who's responsible for your finances, it's easy to lose sight of the big picture. You might not be able to see the forest for all those trees—and if you're only looking at your finances, that can make it difficult to understand how they work together. 

Much like a Ranged DPS will look at things from a distance, A financial advisor will look at everything from an outside perspective: they'll be able to help you understand what is happening with your money as well as how it relates to other things happening across the economy and world.

Investment opportunities

Financial advisors can help you invest in the right way. They can help you diversify your portfolio, understand the investment risk and identify the best time to sell your investment.

They help you stay on track.

The best financial advisors can help you stay on track with your goals, much like the ability to look at DPS output from a distance, whether that’s sticking to a budget or saving money for an emergency fund. A good financial advisor will also be able to help you invest money in a way that will help you reach your goals faster.


Devastation Evoker is good for aoe damage, survivability, Utility, and Mobility.  Harnessing the power of all the dragonflights makes this evoker class one of the strongest specs in the game.

How do you invest like a Devastaion Evoker?  

Devastation Evokers are Ranged DPS with strong AoE capabilities and great Utility.  This means you would work with a Financial Advisor to help create a balanced portfolio for you that would include some Mutual Funds.

This is a very safe and powerful investment technique and can be sustainable, much like a Devastaion Evoker’s DPS.