Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: September 3rd

Podcast Updates

This week, we had 2 more ASAP Imagination connected guests.  On Thursday, Lance Lucero, acclaimed filmmaker and comic creator came on the show.  He was here to talk about his award-winning comic book series, Bob: Non-Union Psychic. 

He has some great advice on how to work with a production team; both for creating comics and making films.

He also talked to us about his future of the Bob-verse!

On Friday author, Christian Prosperie came on the show.  He is one of the awesome creators from the ASAP Imagination charity anthology 'Perspectives' and in 2023 will be releasing his book 'Across the Astral Frontier' which will also be published through our NE1 World platform. 

I had some fun chatting with him about his process and he had some fun advice for other readers.

I was also able to celebrate my 200th Episdoe with Barnaby Smith, the award-winning Songwriter and Journalist from Australia as my guest.  I had so much fun talking with him.  He had some great insight on how he works as a reviewer and critic while he balances his creative energy into his poetry and music writing.

Project Updates

This was another week of plugging away at the ‘Appliance’ game. 

I worked a bit this past week on writing rules on conflict.  This is all basically the same as the general Fate Core System.  Even though it is the same rules, I do want to do my due diligence and not just cut and paste the rules.  I have been rewriting them in my own words to not only make sure there is no plagiarism, but also writing it in my own words also fits within the flow of the writing style. 

What I’m reading

This past week, I started chipping away at my Kickstarter comics pile.  

I read Issue #2 of Samual Vera’s ‘There’s an Alien in My Toilet’.  I have been a fan of Sam’s journey into making his loveable and fun alien, Doodie a household name.  

Issue #2 continues Doodie’s adventure in learning more about the earth while letting his imagination send him on adventures.

I also like seeing Sam build up the story from the perspective of the antagonists.  The reader can get a glimpse of where the metaplot is going to take us.

Very excited to check out issue #3 when it comes out.

Personal Updates

The 8-year-old is still enjoying being a pet mom.  She is taking really good care of her little guy.  She named him ‘Whoops’ which i think is an extremely cute name for a hamster.

In the spirit of the last couple of weeks of getting the most out of summer with the kiddos, I had another Daddy / Daughters adventure with the two little ones.

Pre- Covid we would make it a priority to visit Santa’s Village in New Hampshire every summer.  The plan was to do the same thing, but Santa’s Village mandated reservations so it was sold out on the day we planned to go this week.

So… We went to Story Land instead.  It was really fun.  The 8-year-old and the 6-year-old and I had a great time.  Honestly, it was more fun than Santa’s Village, and larger too.  We ended up not having time to see everything even though we were there for 6 hours.  I would be completely fine with replacing this excursion with another summer excursion next year.   


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: Septebmer 10th


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: August 27th