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Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: August 27th

Podcast Updates

This past week I had 3 more interviews that introduced me to 4 new talented people.

On Tuesday I had 2 interviews.

The highly acclaimed and celebrated author and comic creator, Russell Nohelty came on to chat about his latest Kickstarter, Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter.

Russell has some amazing advice for folks looking to have a successful career in making Kickstarters.

Episode 198 of Storycomic Presents was released this past week and Simr Sandhu was excited to share with us the inaugural issue of his latest comic book series, ‘Meat Machine’.  This is an exciting horror comic that follows two rappers who have gotten involved in attracting the ire of cultists. 

This last Thursday, we had two more guests from ASAP Imagination come on the show. The amazingly talented CHess, is an artist, colorist, letterer, and graphic designer for a few titles in the ASAP Imagination universe.  Laurie Cunningham, who is the Editor in Cheif for ASAP Imagination along with some writing credits inside a few titles came on.

It was so exciting to talk to both of them to learn more about their creative process and the team dynamics within an international indie comic company.

Project Updates

This was another week of plugging away at the ‘Appliance’ game. 

One of the parts of creating character concepts is also establishing stereotypical personalities that are prevalent in different Object Families.  I have found an excellent summary of the Myers-Briggs personality charts that I am using as a foundation.

I am aware of the flaws of the Myers-Brigg test but do like using them from a game design perspective.  

What I’m reading

It was a couple of weeks in the making, but I finally gave myself time to read ‘Lily the Theif’

On the cover, it looks like it fits solidly within a middle-grade audience, but as I read the 200+ page graphic novel, there might be a bit too much blood and violence for a middle-grade reader.  This could depend on the maturity of the reader, of course.

The art style is very much childlike, but, yeah,  lots of blood and death and violence.  

As an adult, I really loved the book.  The storyline and the journey of the main protagonist is well paced and I did love following Lily through her challenges and struggles.  It was well done to see how she evolved into a stronger hero by the end of the book.

Personal Updates

A couple of weeks ago a small rock hit the windshield and left a tiny crack.  Recently the crack has gotten steadily longer.  I have been attempting to find a place that can get it repaired, but it has been hard, due to product shortage.  

One would assume that Subaru Outback windshields would be easy to come by since almost everyone in Vermont drives a Subaru Outback.  I am optimistic that it will get to be replaced by next week.

Also this week, the big moment finally happened.  Our oldest turned 8 years old and got her hamster!  She came with me to work on Friday so we could go straight down to the pet store after to pick out her little hamster.