Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: March 19th


Podcast Updates

This week I had my 148th episode of ‘Storycomic Presents.’ We had with us the highly acclaimed and talented British comic creator,  Markus Pattern.

He was here to talk with us about "The 3 Deaths of Willis Waterhouse", a Western Comic.

It was a really fun chat and I look forward to having him back on the show again.

Project Updates

I took Greg’s tip on the dad joke book cover and made a new cover for my book.  Now I will work on the actual design of the book cover this weekend.

Project adjacent news, one of the groups I am a part of, The Vermont Comic Creators, is having an art show next week.  I dropped off 7 pieces of artwork.  4 of them are new pieces.  They are prints from my future exclamations book.

almost the cover

What I’m reading

This past week I read ‘The Sand Warrior’ by Mark Siegel.  It is the first book of a Young Adult graphic novel series called ‘5 Worlds’.

The actual story itself is not groundbreaking and the characters are not exceptionally original, but the story was a fun read anyway.

It is the standard ‘Golden Fleece’ category of story, where 3 young friends need to save the world.  The world-building is not particularly original, but I can say that I liked the story enough to read the second book.  Although it was slow to pick up and some of the plot seemed either rushed or confusing in the first half, I did end up like some of the story seeds that were sprinkled in.  it did make me curious to see what happens next.

Also, the book boasts four different illustrators and they do a great job in capturing the fantastical science fiction and magical world that Siegel created.  The colors and the character designs, along with the landscapes helped with the story immersion.

Personal Updates

Well, I am legitimately down to 188 pounds so far on my weight loss journey.  I believe my goal is still to get to 174 pounds.  My next little milestone is 185 pounds.  When I picked up my wife from the airport back in 2013, I weighed 285 pounds.  Losing 100 pounds since being married is a great goal.

This weekend is daylight savings time.  I was enjoying waking up at 6 am and seeing it light outside, but that is going to change. The trade-off is the sun will be setting close to 7 pm now. As of this writing, we have 2 hours and 53 extra minutes of daylight compared to our darkest day of the year, December 21st. 

We had a bit of sickness working its way through our house. Did some COVID tests and came back negative, we are dealing with a standard cold virus.  The oldest daughter was the first victim, now she is doing well. I have only been blessed with a minor sore throat, and our toddler is doing miserably.

sketching during a meeting


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: March 26th


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: March 12th