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Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: January 1st


Podcast Updates

Since the normal Thursday Live Stream fell around Christmas Eve, I didn’t have a podcast interview.  The same will before New Year’s Eve.  This has given me a couple of weeks off from interviewing.  I am excited that I was able to do 79 shows in 2021!

 Project Updates

This past week I plugged away more on formatting my dad jokes book with Indesign.  I also worked more on my script for my children’s book.  I am bound and determined to get at least one children’s book published in 2022.

What I’m reading

Part of my inspiration as I was thinking about my children’s book script was the book I read a while ago called “Hey, Al” by Arthur Yorinks and Richard  Egielski. I reread it this past week as a bedtime story with the girls.

It is a fun book about a janitor that travels to a new land with his dog. It is a quick 10-minute read and has great illustrations.  I also really like Egielski’s way he uses picture borders to give the reader a sense that there is more outside the illustrations.

Personal Updates

Christmas week working for a community-based nonprofit is kind of like working at a cold war missile silo in the ’80s. It is normally really quiet, but one also has to be ready for any deluge of emergencies.

Luckily it stayed fairly quiet all week.

I also had the foresight to enlist my coworker’s teenage kids to do the present wrapping for me, so that took some of the holiday chores off of my plate while supporting young entrepreneurial businesses 😊

Christmas this year was made just as magical as we could for the kids.  We got them mostly what they hoped for, with some screams of joy and smiles all around.  I also got a new bathrobe… so I am happy.

As I get older, the things I really like are the things that make me comfortable and my life easier.


My special present for my wife