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Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: December 25th


Podcast Updates

This past week I had my final two interviews of the year, episode 128 and 129. A part of me wanted to end the year on an even 130 episodes, but I do enjoy the fact that the year ended on a random number like 129.

Last year I had 50 episodes. This year I was able to have 79. I am proud of that.

On Tuesday I was excited to have with us the internationally acclaimed and talented Head of Comic Production at Comic Republic, Michael Olasubomi Balogun. We had a great conversation about the success his company has had in a short few years.

On Wednesday, Ryan Haack came back to talk about his latest crowded funded project for issue 3 of Brick A Brac! I will try to get him on every year to chat about his Christmas-themed comic book.

Project Updates

This past week I plugged away a bit on my Dad Joke book. I also started to script out a new children’s book idea that I have for the holidays. This one should be fun, and it follows a standard Christmas Carole, so the layout should not be overly complicated. Drawing it out will also get me back into the swing of things with Procreate.

What I’m reading

This past week, I read Laura Knetzeger’s ‘Bug Boys’ Volume One. It was a fun preteen graphic novel about a couple of beetles that grew up and go on adventures together.

It was a fun book with its chapters split into separate stories. It read like 15-minute episodes of a nickelodeon cartoon. I got the impression that Knetzeger had a lot of fun scripting and drawing out the stories. The characters felt innocent, curious, and adventurous. Personalities that are found in early teen kids.

Personal Updates

Still at 193 pounds as of this writing. I wouldn’t say that I am ‘off the wagon’ when it comes to my weight management. I have been a bit lackadaisical with my Noom lessons and have been not as precise with my meal choices, but I think I am at a better place from a health perspective than I have in a long time.

I am also at war with my outside Christmas lights for the house. There seems to be a string of lights that like to burn out, and I’m trying to figure that out.

darn burnt out Christmas lights…