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Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: October 16th


Podcast Updates

This past week I had 2 fun interviews.  On Tuesday I was to have back on the show, the acclaimed and celebrated writer of comics and fiction prose, Stephanie Nina Pitsirilos!  She is very fun to talk to and always has great advice and stories to share. 

On Thursday, I was delighted to have an internationally acclaimed and award-winning comic creator, Zander Cannon on the show.  I have been a fan of his work for years and it was so nice having the chance to talk with him.

Project Updates

This past week I have been plugging along with the Inktober prompts by drawing more pictures for my exclamations book.  I am also collecting more corny jokes and one-liners for my Dad Joke book. 

What I’m reading

It was a slow week for reading, but I was able to take time to go through the Larry Blamire book, ‘Great Scott: The Rare Imaginary Comic Book Covers’.

I have been a fan of public domain and vintage comic books for a while now since I discovered them around 10 years ago.

It is clear to me that Blamire has a love of the golden age of comics. The satirical comic book cover images are both hilarious and nostalgic with a touch of genius. 

This is one of those books that I can read repeatedly and be continuously entertained and inspired with new ideas.

Personal Updates

This past week I am knocking on 204 lbs. I am very excited about my direction health-wise.

Also, the adage of a cluttered office is a cluttered mind; I have been slowly organizing my basement space some more so I can stay a bit more concentrated on my projects. 

It was a tip a read once stating if you walk by a mess, just pick up a couple of things at a time.  Before long, the mess will be all picked up!